Looking for work?
Why you should register with us:
Are you searching for your next role? You’ve come to the right place!
At Solutions 4 Educare, our team of professional, dedicated and supportive staff are here to help you as you take the next step in your career.
We offer a full induction programme and access to over 130 online training courses for those who register with us, so you can move forward with the skills and confidence that will allow you to succeed in your new role.
Whether you are looking for short term positions or a role with hours that will suit your specific needs, our team at Solutions 4 Educare will help you search for your ideal job and highlight any relevant opportunities to gain practical skills and experience.
Register today and a member of our team will contact you for a quick chat so we can get to know you better, understand your employment history and past experiences in more detail, and find out what you are looking for in your next role.
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About Us
Green Bee Recruitment offers a 25-year legacy of expertise in tackling recruitment challenges, setting us apart as an independent, family-owned leader in innovative solutions.
We don't just match CVs to job descriptions; we match personalities to teams, ensuring long-term success. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond placements.
Experience relief from recruitment stress with our tailored services, knowing that we're not just filling roles, but building lasting partnerships for your business's success.
Join us as your strategic ally, and let's navigate the recruitment journey together, ensuring your team thrives- we're invested in your success.
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Some Recruitment Agencies tend to have big offices in the city which straight away gives them big over heads to recover every year. That price is reflected in their pricing structure. We've seen higher % on charge rates as they believe these fees can be commanded to businesses in a pickle.
However.. we are different and we think different.. We believe that recruitment agencies can set a fair for all pricing structure and offer more stability to businesses like we have been doing for over 25 years. We keep our over heads low which allows us to offer a fairer charge rate model. We also a offer 2 months scale back on all permanent placements. So if your new recruit leaves, you shouldn't be out of pocket. Its one of our '6 Point Guarantees.'
Our charge rates are accessible without obligation to fill out a form or enter any conversation or agreement. Send us an email to [email protected] requesting to see our rates and we will send them to you, no questions asked.
If the candidate we've placed for you leaves, we offer 2 months. Here is what it looks like..
1-2 weeks- Admin Charge
3-4 weeks 65%
5-6 weeks 50%
7-8 weeks 20%
If you have any questions about the scale back rates, email [email protected]
There are a couple of reasons why having the terms and conditions authorised before we start are vital. They are there in place to protect us the agency and you the client with all the legal bits and bobs! Most importantly, it represents a commitment made to each other for the partnership we are entering into with you.
Yes, it is part of our service that we complete references. All temporary working staff can't start working with us until full compliance is complete. Our permanent recruitment packages include reference checks at no extra cost to the client. Some roles however do not require reference checks OR the client wishes to complete them themselves. This is fine, but most importantly, the outcome of who completes references or not is transparent before any candidate is handed over from us as ready for work.
What Vetting / Compliance Checks do you Complete?
For each sector, the requirements are different. However what is consistent across the board is a Right to Work in the UK check. Reference checks are complete on agreement with the client that they are a requirement or not. If the candidate requires a DBS; we are happy to process this based on the location we're recruiting in, however, if the candidate DOES NOT put it on the update service - it makes the DBS invalid. Some clients like to complete this check themselves, how we support here is to make sure the candidate has the right ID to show the client. In some sectors, we will complete qualification checks and arrange to see original ID and certificates. Driving license / business insurance checks where relevant. All of these checks are at no extra cost to the client.
Yes we do. We have actively recruited up and down the country and have the resources to attract top candidates. One of the reasons why we are the 'Recruiters of Choice' is because of our extensive network and resources locally in the West Midlands that enhances and broadens the scope of how we recruit.
Every job we advertise for will have its own job advert created. Through the conversation we have on the 'Discovery Call' with the new client, and the job description (if there is one to share), we learn what the fundamentals are for the job role so we can create the best advert to go live. There are lots of fundamentals that job boards like you to do to maximise reach, so with our expertise knowledge, we include these in the advert.
We use a unique template that we've created called the 4R document and this helps us create the advert, ready to be published. It looks at Role, Results, Requirements and Responsibilities. The template is FREE for anyone to download on our website.
If a business or client is only interested in having a job advert created as a service from us, we can do this. Its £199 plus VAT. Email [email protected] or call 01384 986160 to enquire.
Unless there is a candidate immediately ready to go for interview that meets the client's requirements- we would just issue the scale back refund and start the process again at the request of the client.
Its quite frustrating when a candidate starts the dreaded G word... ghosting! We always look at the situation with an open mind. Firstly, we want to make sure that everything is 'OK.' You never know- there could be a genuine reason as to why they're not showing. To go back a step, its important to highlight that we, as an agency create an engaging experience with our candidates. We like to keep them in the loop and have regular communication as we build up a repoire with them.
Unfortunately, some candidates have multiple job offers, and accept the roles as they get offered. We like to think that if a candidate changes their mind, that they would do the courteous thing and communicate this with us. Some do, and some don't. We look for clarity as quick as possible so we can communicate this with the client so that everyone can make a decision to move forward with.
We value good candidate relationships and we create an engaging and supportive journey with them. Communication is key to this. Having a regular person to correspond with is another. We always keep in touch and in the hope that if something changes, they will tell us, and not ghost us. We share updates with them throughout. We let them know what we're doing- keeping them engaged as we believe 'No News is Bad News' - so reassurance is key. This does stop candidates worrying and slows down the drop out rate. Sometimes, the simple answer is that something better has become available to them, and chances are, despite our best effort, we can't change that. Through our screening conversation with the candidate- we open up a conversation to make sure that what they're applying for matches up to what they're after and to see if they're happy to share what other opportunities are open to them right now. This is so we can assess the probability of a drop out. We communicate what we can with our clients.
Green Bee Recruitment
8B Dudley St, Sedgley, Dudley DY3 1SB
Tel: 01384 986160
Email: [email protected]
Copyright 2023 Green Bee Recruitment Limited. Company Registered in England.